We specialize in live visual note taking, also called graphic recording. We offer two modes: digital graphic recording and “marker-to-board” graphic recording.

For digital graphic recording we create visual notes on an iPad, either live during your event or from a recording. We can be on-site at the event venue or work remotely. Our marker-to-board graphic recording is drawn on thick, large-format boards. These illustrations are drawn live at your event and make a big impact.

Digital graphic recording VIEW

mixing it up = engaged attendees

Graphic recording of Youth Dialogue session at the United Nations in 2018.

Graphic recording of Youth Dialogue session at the United Nations in 2018.

Mixing in digital graphic recording gives you the freedom to ditch the deck!

  • Mix spontaneous, whimsical imagery with formal decks to refresh the audience.

  • Provide the finished sketch and accompanying video as a follow-up to drive home key ideas.

  • Visually anchor rich discussions and interviews that would otherwise just be talking heads.

Digital graphic recording highlights key ideas as they unfold.

Samples of our digital graphic recording

We have been supporting meetings and events this way for almost a decade!

Contact us for a quote or a quick demonstration of how it works and reimagine the online experience for your next virtual event.


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