…when you use drawing to express an idea instead of words or numbers, you engage a different part of the brain. To draw an idea accurately, certain decisions must be made that even the most precise language can overlook. The result of making that series of small decisions? You’re able to get to novel solutions more quickly.

- Tim Brown, founder of IDEO

Kingman Ink delivers dynamic workshops and facilitates creative trainings on visual thinking and visual communication.

We've delivered custom workshops for cross-functional teams within corporations, as well as for the MBA students at MIT Sloan School of Business.

From this fun, active, hands-on experience, your team will walk away with practical skills to accelerate their creative problem solving and enhance the way they convey information.

We inspire your team to step up, simplify & solve with confidence

By picking up and practicing simple drawing techniques, constructive visual tools, mind mapping methods, and diagramming skills, a whole new world of possibilities will come alive with vibrancy, enthusiasm, and  lots of color.

Going from strictly verbal exchanges to thinking and communicating in pictures can be a game changer for your company.

Workshop participants learn how to become attentive listeners and tune in for key ideas. They’ll be able to condense, organize, and synthesize large amounts of complex information quickly.

Introduce new energy into your meetings, presentations, and everyday conversations.

Our workshops empower your team to collaborate more effectively, become more interactive and engaging, and embrace fresh and innovative ways to approach challenges and overcome obstacles.

Visual skills will transform how they view their work and do their jobs (and they'll thank you for it!)

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