"Live Pinning" MarketingProfs B2B Forum — Kingman Ink Visual Notetaking

I love it when marketing visionaries come up with new uses for graphic recording, so when Ann Handley of MarketingProfs suggested we do a "live Pinterest board" at the B2B Forum, I was all for it!

The entire "live Pinterest board" from Day 1 of #MPB2B

The concept was pretty simple — throughout the two-day event, I would monitor the conference hashtag for interesting tweets, and the illustrate them on the "Pinterest board." I'd then snap a photo, which Ann then tweeted as an @reply to the originator of the tweet.

People loved seeing their tweets come to life, often stopping by my board in the hallway to take their own photos to share. I often heard excited cries of "I made the board!" when someone discovered I'd illustrated their tweet.


The concept is a similar one to the "Twitter murals" that I've done in the past, but I really loved Ann's idea to give it a Pinterest-like look and feel. 

The grid layout allowed me to illustrate more tweets, and each one is cleanly framed, which allowed me to then crop each of the large boards into bite-sized, pinnable images like this:


So, that's a "Live Pinterest board." What's next?  



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